45+ years of high quality, high reliability chemistry

Established in 1980, Interflux® Electronics N.V. provides more than 45 years of experience in high quality, high reliability soldering chemistry to the electronics assembly industry.
Our focal points are No-residue Technology fluxes, absolutely halide-free chemistry, VOC-free fluxes, rosin- and
resin-free formulations and much more. Interflux® Electronics N.V. is ISO 9001 certified.

ISO 9001 Daniel Werkhoven
pioneer boy

A true pioneer

Interflux® Electronics N.V. has always been in the forefront when it comes to innovative development of soldering
chemistry. IF2005M, the first of its kind body-free, No-residue flux was conceived, produced and made
successful by the Interflux® Group. Furthermore, Interflux was one of the first to offer a high performance, high
quality completely VOC-free line of soldering fluxes: the PacIFic series. With IF 14, Interflux introduced a
solder wire chemistry with brushable residues, a property that is still unique today.

Responsible & durable

By installing photovoltaic panels and solar water heating in Ghent, Interflux® Electronics N.V. has committed
itself to become a low carbon emission facility. Today the annual CO2-exhaust has been reduced with more than
50%. Interflux® Electronics N.V. has a biological waste water treatment system which grants our facility the
"zero discharge" label from the Flemish Government for sewage water.

hands holding a tree
electronics circuit

Support worldwide

With 14 international daughter companies and 3 strategic production plants under the Interflux® name and a global
network of agents and distributors, Interflux® Electronics N.V. provides a vast support network. High quality,
technical, logistical, sales and on-site customer support for Interflux® products is widely available.

ISO 9001 Compliant

Vincotte ISO9001

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