Soldering fluxes for foam fluxing
IF 2005C
Interflux® IF 2005C with 3,3% of solids is a resin- and rosin-free, no-clean soldering flux. It can be used when the soldering process needs more activation than IF 2005M or IF 2005K provide.
IF 2005C is preferred for selective soldering but can be used for wave and dip soldering too.OR L0 according to EN and IPC standards
IF 2005K
Interflux® IF 2005K with 2,5% of solids is a resin- and rosin-free, no-clean soldering flux. It can be used when the soldering process needs more activation than IF 2005M provides.
IF 2005K is preferred for lead-free wave soldering but is also suitable for selective soldering and SnPb wave soldering. -
T 2005M
Interflux® T 2005M is the designated thinner for the IF 2005-series of fluxes. Flux thinning is typically done in open flux systems that involve evaporation of the flux solvent like in foam fluxing.
IF 3006
Interflux® IF 3006 is a resin- and rosin free, no-clean soldering flux with a reduced VOC content.
IF 2005M
Interflux® IF 2005M is the internationally renowned resin- and rosin-free, no-clean / No-residue™ flux standard.
PacIFic 2010F
Interflux® PacIFic 2010F is a water based no-clean soldering flux for foam fluxing applications. PacIFic 2010F provides low residues after soldering.
IF 2005
IF 2005 has been replaced by IF 2005M.
PacIFic 2011F
PacIFic 2011F has been replaced by PacIFic 2009M.
IF 2005-2,5%
IF 2005-2,5% has been replaced by IF 2005K.
IF 3006K
IF 3006K has been replaced by IF 3006.
T 1000
Interflux® T 1000 is the designated thinner for the TS-series of fluxes. Flux thinning is typically done in open flux systems that involve evaporation of the flux solvent like in foam fluxing.